Wednesday 30 April 2014

Vegan Banana Icecream!


I have to thank instagram for giving me so many amazing vegan recipes especially this vegan icecream alternative. Banana or nana icecream as everyone calls it, is an amazing, healthy and easy way to make icecream.

You just slice up and freeze bananas then blend in a food processor. It helps if you either defrost the bananas slightly first in water or add a non frozen banana or something else such an nut butter or vegan milk to make it a bit easier to blend and give a good consistency. I have also read that if you want a less banana taste to use unripe bananas and over ripe bananas for really banana taste. You can then add pretty much anything you like from strawberries, blueberries, cocoa powder, almond butter.. the possibilities are endless!

I know some people might say eating alot of bananas isn't good for you because of the sugar or potassium but really! I have also made this without using banana by blending frozen mango, coconut milk and a splash of orange juice which was a similar creamy texture. I imagine you could also make sorbet in a similar way using frozen fruit.

Icecream isn't good for you anyway and this is alot healthier and yummier!
Here are some amazing instagram inspiration photos. Just search for #nanaicecream for more. Feel free to leave your recipes below!

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