Wednesday 30 April 2014

My Favourite Healthy Snacks & Recipes


I am always searching for new healthy, vegan food to try so thought I would share with you some of my favourite foods for on the go or just when you want a snack between meals. Alot of these are great sources of protein for those who don't eat meat.

Nakd Bars
I always take one of these bars with me to work instead of something unhealthy like a chocolate bar. They are just raw fruits and nuts smooshed together with no added sugars or syrups. They are vegan and also wheat and gluten free. Most of them are around 150 calories which isn't bad as they are pretty filling and full of good stuff like dates that I wouldn't usually eat. Obviously fruit naturally contains sugar so if you're trying to lose weight they might not be for you but as a healthy snack I love them. My favourite flavours have to be gingerbread and chocolate orange with banana bread and strawberry crunch close behind.

Oaty Protein Muffins -

I love this vegan muffin recipe as it's full of some of my favourite protein filled foods such as hemp, chia and peanut butter and are so easy to make and eat!  I also added dark chocolate chip and flaxseed to mine to satisfy my boyfriends sweet tooth and add extra protein. Amazing!

Trek Protein Bars and Flapjacks
These bars contain around 9-12g of protein so are great for when I've only had a small breakfast or lunch to keep me going until dinner time. They are quite calorific (about 250kcal) due to them being an energy bar so I wouldn't suggest eating them every day if you're trying to lose weight but once in a while or as a treat is all good. My favourite flavour is coco coconut which almost takes like a cake with coconut and dark chocolate topping. Yum! They are also mostly vegan :-)

Dale Pinnocks Breakfast Bars -

I have two of Dale Pinnocks books - The Medicinal Chef & Healthy Everyday Living. I really love his recipes as they are simple and healthy without using loads of strange ingredients. Alot of his recipes are vegetarian but some containing fish or chicken (no red meat). They also say why ingredients are good for you which is really good to know for your own nutrition.
You can pretty much add anything you like to these bars as they are just a healthy flapjack. He also has some other similar bars and snacks such as banana & peanut butter that is essentially the same just using mashed bananas. He also has some energy bombs and other recipes that I'm definately going to try.

I hope you try some of my recommedations. Please feel free to leave your own recipes in the comments section and let me know what you think.


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